Saturday, October 9, 2010

What Greg Has Been Up To

I usually post personal updates on my Jesus Is Wonderful blog, but since this is about answered prayer, and my other blogs are occupied with posts about Reformers (what's up with that??), I'm posting this here. I want to jot down a quick summary of the past 6 months and praise a God Who handled it all better than I could have imagined.

My last day at Agilent, where I worked for exactly ten years, was at the end of last April.  I stopped blogging shortly before that, as I was trying to finish my final project and praying about what the Lord had in mind for me next. I was not actively seeking new employment, because I was torn about whether to seek another job or take the plunge and pursue my dream of starting my own software business. It was a time of earnest prayer. I wasn't worried or stressed; I knew that if the Lord's hand was in it, I would be fine, but I just did not know what His will was!

So, like Balaam riding the talking donkey, God had to nudge me in the right direction.  In my lap landed not one, but three great job opportunities, one of which I ended up accepting.  So, my last day at Agilent was on Friday, and the first day at my new job was the following Tuesday! I could not have planned it better myself! Praise the Lord!

However, company policy was that I could not take any time off for the first three months... and this in the middle of summer! Sighhh.... So even though my job has been very enjoyable and rewarding, we feel like we barely even had a summer. But the job isn't all to blame....

Last spring I taught a LEGO Mindstorms class at our homeschooling co-op, modeled after a national competitive robotics league. Maybe this wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had, especially considering how little free time my new job allowed, but after the class, I accepted a request to teach a couple introductory robotics sessions at an area library. Through a very generous company in our area, God provided all the equipment I would need! My wife and son, though not as into LEGOs as I am, stayed up late the night before each class, helping me put the robots together and preparing other materials. What a blessing they are! I enjoyed the experience so much, that I am continuing to support a couple teams this fall and have even started my own LEGO blog!

In addition, I've been maintaining our co-op's class registration website, which I created two years ago, and took on the maintenance of their more traditional website. There was much work to be done, so I had to balance that work with LEGO robotics.

We did have time for some family day-trips, but I made nearly no progress at all toward finishing up our back yard, which has been a thorn in my wife's side for close to a decade!

But we have been very blessed with good health and steady work, so we really cannot complain. Some other things happened, as well, but I plan to address those in separate posts.

Bottom line? I'm back to blogging... for now!  :)


Anonymous said...

Praise the Lord your are back to blogging for Jesus. - Transformer2you

Greg said...

I've had a hard time with this blog, especially. It seemed like a good idea at the time, but I just can't get inspiration for prayer-related topics; I was hoping for more submissions, but you gotta attract readers first... It's a chicken-and-egg.

Farrah said...

This post had way too many uses of the word "but."

But, I still love you!

I'm trying to be supportive in all this LEGO stuff (that I have absolutely NO interest in whatever), but I also need my husband to do things around the house.

But I REALLY love you no matter what!!! I want God, not me, to have the first place in your heart and life. :-)

Susan Hughes said...

It's admirable what you are doing for the youth Greg and for Jesus. God Bless, Susan in Bahrain, Middle East.

Greg said...

Thank you for stopping by and becoming my first "follower", Susan!