Thursday, December 29, 2011

This Is It

I've been away from blogging for almost all of 2011, mostly busy with work and trying to launch my own software business.  When the renewal for came up, I decided to let it expire.  Of my three theological blogs, this was the hardest to come up with material for.  It's not for lack of answered prayers, but rather that I did not think it would make for interesting reading.

I do not plan to delete this blog any time soon, and I may yet add an occasional post, but it will be under its Blogger name (, instead of the former URL.

May the Lord bless you richly this coming year and answer every prayer (though it may not always be the answer you expect).

1 comment:

Warren Baldwin said...

Welcome back. Blogging can (does!) take a lot of time, and time away can be good.